Healing Baskets and Messages of Hope

Healing Baskets and Messages of Hope

We have delivered Healing Baskets to those in need A warm blanket and socks, healthy nutrition, gift cards, meals, helpful books, games, messages of hope and of course a healing cross. We have distributed 3 dozen already. When we receive a letter, email, text or call...
Derrick’s Night: 2nd Annual Healing Cross Project Charity Night

Derrick’s Night: 2nd Annual Healing Cross Project Charity Night

2019 brought our second charity night, now called Derrick’s Night. We honored his life by presenting a cross to the next recipient, Lily Lewis. She and her mother spoke. She was presented a check. Also, With the new year, scholarships will be given out to those...
Inaugural Healing Cross Project’s Charity Night

Inaugural Healing Cross Project’s Charity Night

April 28, 2018 brought the 1st Healing Cross Project’s Charity Night with over 250 guests in attendance, we surpassed our wildest dreams of having a successful evening bringing awareness to human suffering. The HCP Board honored our guest, Susy Korinko with the...